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This game is good. There are some issues; fe. buggy bird after you buy an upgrade, which allows you to eat other birds (which were hunting for you originally). Other than that, fun little game.

Thanks so much for playing! We are hoping to jump back into this project and update it soon to resolve some of the issues you're experiencing!

Unfortunately, after a minute or so, the page reloads itself because it's using too much memory, which makes it start over without any upgrades. (This is Safari on Mac)  I like the idea for the game though

Hey thanks for giving it a try! 
Apparently Godot doesn't currently play nice with web builds and Macs.  I added a downloadable version that is built for macOS if you would like to try that, but unfortunately I don't have a way to test it, and I don't have an Apple Developer ID so Gatekeeper may block it.

( - looks like this is the expected behavior

A tooltip to let the player know exactly what the upgrades does would be great. For example, no clue what the Danger upgrade does, or the recover upgrade, and some numbers on the health/speed upgrades would be nice. Otherwise this game is fantastic from what i can see.

Thanks so much for playing! We unfortunately ran out of time before putting in any UI elements in to describe the upgrades so we had to settle for putting them in the description on the itch page. We will definitely look into adding them after the jam!

Insane lag when taking damage

I haven't been able to reproduce the lag on damage, but there is a known lag issue caused by too many of the enemy birds clustering in one spot. 
Working on optimization!

My guy doesn't seem to be going for fish at all, all other food works

Tracked down the issue and patched it, thanks for pointing that out!

Browser console:

USER WARNING: Invalid mix rate of 0, consider reassigning setting 'audio/driver/mix_rate'. index.js:14050:18

Defaulting mix rate to value 44100. index.js:14050:18

at: _get_configured_mix_rate (servers/audio_server.cpp:126) index.js:14050:18

Blocking on the main thread is very dangerous, see
